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Boost Business Growth with These Top 10 Lead Generation Tactics

Boost Business Growth with These Top 10 Lead Generation Tactics

Lead generation plays a crucial role in tending business today and enabling it to thrive in today’s competitive world. In such cases the audience’s attention is crucial in the process of making a purchasing decision and anything that stands in the way of their attention will have a negative impact on sales. Basically, lead generation ensures that a company’s portfolio is popular and known to targets during the research phase. Furthermore, lead generation assists in making audiences more segmented so that ideas, concepts, and products that are brought to the market satisfy customers’ demands. In conclusion, creating better leads lowers the cost of acquiring them and ultimately drives more revenues.

At The Three-Angle Marketing, we offer bespoke Lead Generation Services to create specific and unique lead generation plans that are unique to each client’s products, services, clientele or markets, and align perfectly with the identity and values of the brand. Here we will discuss our 10 lead-generation tactics to boost business growth:

What Is Lead Generation:

Lead generation is defined as the initiation of consumer interest or inquiry on products or services of a business. It is the act of defining and targeting prospective buyers of a company’s goods and services. In particular, lead generation focuses on converting Website visitors, prospective consumers contacting the company, and other consumers into qualified leads. 

The Importance of Lead Generation in Business Growth:

There is much that effective lead generation can do to a business. Leads help the sales and marketing teams to narrow down and target the potential clients that the company needs to work with. Higher leads always translate to more sales potential if there is consistency over a given period. Additionally, in synergy with marketing automation technology, leads can engage potential customers with content that meets their needs while waiting for marketing-specified sales time to close the deal, at higher rates and in shorter times. In the end, it is possible to generate more leads which, when managed well, results in greater conversions and more subsequent sales.  

Impact on sales:

These leads turn into sales through the business funnel enter and progress in. Warm leads engage with content that builds interest based on pain points, creates further touch points, and moves interest into consideration by placing right product/service offers in the frame. It is indeed surprising, but lead nurturing and continuous and valuable content shifts it down to qualified opportunities. Sales team activities involve orchestrating qualified, sales-ready leads; mapping solutions to needs; building value; and dispelling concerns. 

Impact on Revenue:  

A study conducted by Vantage Point revealed that with improved lead generation the general revenue per firm had risen by 20% in the space of one year. In addition, a report by LeadMD established that companies using targeted content offers to leads received an average lead conversion rate improvement of 14.6% over 6 months. Last but not least, through Aberdeen research we establish that it is possible to achieve a 3-year revenue growth rate of 400% while at the same time having a constant flow of marketing-generated leads monthly.

The 10 Secret Lead Generation Tactics to Boost Business Growth:

If you are running a lead generation agency in Dubai then our tactics can prove a game changer for your business. Through their proper implementation, you can take the businesses of your clients to the next level. Here are the top 10 pro tips to generate higher leads:  

Optimize Your Website for Higher Conversions: 

Your website is the first point of contact with your potential customers and is an important marketing tool. Is yours fully optimized to convert visitors? From your website’s content and structure to its loading time and form submissions, optimize the user experience. For instance, make sure that your Lead Generation Services contact forms can be easily located and the fields completed on them. This leads to more action from the prospects, thus increasing the chances of making a sale.

Prioritize SEO:

More than 90% of the traffic that arrives at a website comes from the search engine. When your business features higher in the search results, it translates to better exposure and more prospects. It is important to work on the on-page and off-page SEO of your site regularly. Some on-page strategies like keyword placement make you easily searchable. Off-page SEO such as link building informs the search engine that your site is credible. When you make your site show up on the first page for your targeted keywords, it is accessed by people who intend to buy.

Syndicate Content:

Generating exceptional, shareable content puts the company ahead of its competitors in the niche. But for it to reach the target audiences, there is a need for distribution. Another great lead generation strategy is to share posts and multimedia content on other platforms other than your website. Examples of available choices include industry magazines, podcasts, blogs, and or social media. Valuable and entertaining posts bring back more visitors to your site through word of mouth.

Implement CTAs:

Website banners and buttons include ‘calls-to-action’ (CTAs) about the next action that you would like the visitor to take, such as speaking to a sales representative or getting a quote. Place CTAs in different areas of your website and content to ensure people see them at various stages of their journey. For instance, apply action-driving words such as ‘Try Now Free’, ‘Get in Touch with Us Today’, and ‘Get a Demo’. Good CTA’s progress leads through the funnel of sales by offering a means to act.

Promote Lead Magnets:

Lead magnets encourage visitors to share their contact details to get access to the wanted product, which can be eBooks, tips, templates, checklists, guides, and others. These “bribes” are effective because they are valuable and related to the target audience. For instance, an accounting firm can give a lead magnet about ten crucial things to avoid when filing for taxes.

Run Retargeting Ads:

A retargeting or remarketing ad displays banner ads to website visitors who show interest in your services when they are on other websites online. This brings high-quality leads back by extending a gentle nudge that’s imperative to encourage them to come back and convert. For instance, if a prospect visited a particular product but did not make a purchase before exiting, retargeting assists in drawing back the prospect.

Review Your Sales Funnel:

Ideally, it will take the leads from the stage of discovery to the qualified opportunity stage, through to the deal close stage. Review each of your current channels to determine which areas are experiencing the highest drop-off rates. Some of it can occur between marketing and sales departments or in the stages of nurturing leads. Optimizing the transitions increases the conversion rates.

Monitor Competition:

Conduct secondary research on what other companies within your niche are doing to obtain leads to understand proven methods to apply. For instance, analyze their website copy, the leads magnet offers, and digital advertisements. Knowing this can assist in making the content and the relevant campaigns better at converting. It also reveals other unused communication channels and the potential to surpass competitors.

Moreover, you can also conduct in-depth research on companies that offer lead generation services to make a better choice. When vetting lead gen firms, seek out these traits for productive partnerships and stellar results:

  • Knowledge of your target markets and products and service lines 
  • Strategizing based on the specific business goals and objectives of the company
  • Integrated multi-channel communication features to reach more customers
  • Sale force management and data analytics for reporting sales actionable intelligence.
  • Policies and procedures that safeguard the organization’s image   

Refresh Old Content:

Old blogs, ebooks, and guides, for example, may become less useful over time due to changes in circumstances and technology. Create an audit and refresh matrix to see which content should be refreshed next. Updating the evergreen content with fresh stats, examples, and analysis can help continue to attract leads. Make sure to add updated content to keep up with the traffic.

Incorporate Lead Nurturing Strategies:

This means not every prospect you come across is ready to purchase from your company when they first interact with your brand. Lead nurturing is a more long-term approach using periodic, targeted messages to alert the customer of additional products, services, or special offers that fit their buying needs beyond the initial purchase. Tactics such as email drip campaigns and retargeting help to constantly remind the audience about your brand. The idea is to share good content and avoid coming across as selling all the time.

This process can be handled optimally by our best lead generation agency. For instance, TAM has experience undertaking comprehensive nurturing campaigns that involve the sorting and targeting of leads. This leads prospects through their buyer’s journey up to the point of being considered sales-qualified. Sustaining customer relationships in the long term is beneficial. While leads generated may not necessarily translate into sales instantly, nurturing efforts pay off in the long run with more revenues.

Final Thoughts: 

The effectiveness of high-impact lead generation services is evident when even some of the above-mentioned tactics are integrated into a business. Determine where your current strategies can be enhanced with the help of new ones. It is recommended to focus on the website and search engine optimization first, followed by CTAs and paid advertising. Then learn about lead magnets, retargeting, and lead nurturing to improve your sales funnel conversion rates. By applying these tips to your organization, your organization benefits from increased qualified leads that naturally increase the revenues and your financial position. For more information related to lead generation tactics or plans, you can reach out to Three Angle Marketing representatives for more information.