Video production process

Video Production

Today, 83% of companies believe that video marketing gives them a good return when they invest in video production. Video marketing is without a doubt one of the latest additions to your promotional toolbox. Our exceptional video production team at TAM will make your business convey its message, offers, identity, and products or services in the most creative way possible. Especially for businesses just starting out, we help you capture the attention and understanding of your target audience through brilliantly crafted videos.  

Here’s why you should get your first brand video or commercial get shot as soon as possible


Videos will make some real money for you. A product/service promotional video can increase conversions by 80% on your landing page or website. Video production can also contribute to sales directly. Studies show 74% of users who watched a video about a product bought it later. Vision increases the retention rate of a product in the most powerful way, after all. Most of the data is visible in our minds. So, if photographs can already massively stimulate attention, imagine what moving images can do.


83% of companies say video provides a good investment return to get them even more enthusiastic. Although it’s not yet the simplest or cheapest job to make videos, it still pays off. In addition, online video editing tools continue to be improved and affordable. Another great news is the quality of your videos. The content is significant! Recent research indicates that users are often postponed by videos that do not sufficiently clarify the product or service.


You’ll be allowed to increase the visitors’ time on your site. Long exposure, therefore, builds trust and signals that your website is good for search engines. Reportedly, if the video is embedded on your website, you will appear first on Google. Since YouTube is now a product of Google, the number of videos that affect the rank of your search engine has increased significantly.


Along with revenue, the other most important thing for any business is brand identity. The recognition of the business brand is equally important as the awareness of it, it leads to brand loyalty. Visual representation strongly shows the personality of a brand; it allows viewers to identify with the culture and vision of a business, and understand what the business can accomplish. Marketing campaigns with a video increased brand awareness by 54%.